Judgement + High Priestess, Visconti-Sforza + Tarot of the Divine


Making bad judgments not in alignment with your core and intuition are we?!

Or thinking we are?

The LWBs don't show a pretty picture!
Reversed Judgment "Indecision; spiritual emptiness; addiction"
Reversed Priestess "Ignorance, shallowness, lack of trust, a closed mind"

Maybe because there's not a time for decisions?
Only our head think it is, out of old habit?
We feel that 'lack of trust' because we don't know what to do, because it seems like we can't 'figure it out'?

Whatever our minds tell us, this isn't 'the final call' - a time for big revelations, announcements or a time to 'measure the results'. 
There's more to uncover and reveal.
More to explore within.
More cultivation of faith, trust and connection with our inner wisdom - neck down ;)

Deck: #ViscontiSforzaTarot
Theme: "Antiquated perception/mindset"

Deck: #TarotOfTheDivine
Theme: "Divine connection"

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