High Priestess + Four of Pent's, Scorpio Sea + Goddess of Love
"Growth requires a leap into the abyss and trust in the upgrade itself" - there are periods when even our intuition can't help us!
A very similar message as YD. We had the P4 R there too, so that part is particularly important.
There together with a King of Wands, upright. Illustrated as a soaring Phoenix.
The 'kingly energy' is 'of more help' than the somewhat withdrawn priestess energy now.
We're in a period of "You don't get to know right now".
Again - no matter how much wit 'sit with ourselves', clarity will not mainly come that way.
We need to 'move things' not cling to things (P4).
It's seems to regarding 'mindset', and that especially in regard to 'womanhood' in some sense - a lot of goddess energy in these cards.
Have we maybe gotten this all wrong? Is what we have always known or was taught totally upside down?
Anyhow, we are reminded to let go of something, even if it shakes us to out core (Apokalypsis YD) and makes us feel very unsafe for a bit.
We're in for a necessary "upgrade", probably as a part of a collective upgrade.
To rise we necessarily have to leave something behind, and sometimes without knowing 'for what'.
"Secrets are afoot and you don't get to figure them out"
We are in a limbo situation.
Awakening to the fact that much of what we have hold as 'truth' might not be so.
Or we might have felt it to a large degree but not known how much it has had is grip in us, or how ingrained it has been anyhow.
We're given some time now to process this part, before we're given or shown the next step.