Hanged Man + Four of Pent's, Infinity + Erotic Manara


Surrendering and being able to let go!

It's pretty much the same cards as yesterday, but switched order.
Yes, we had a double C8 yesterday, but the message is very similar.

Again I just get that 'hunch'.

For the first card yd I wrote about 'knowing it's time to move on, but having a great inner resistance to it' - are we now getting a clearer picture of this in the 2nd card?!
We see a woman clawing herself to a man, in an "I do everything for you" kind of way. Have she realized it's actually time to let go - that it's not a good place to be in, being this needy. It's NOT love. It's codependence and a trauma response.
And/or the man realizing 'things have gone too far'. Maybe he found the woman attractive, and how good the woman's focused attention on him felt (who doesn't?!). He 'couldn't help himself' from leading her on, or even act on it and 'taste a bit'. But it 'spiraled'. He really don't like how the attention turned into this neediness of him (not realizing the neediness was always there, blinded by his thirst for attention - trauma meeting trauma). Now she 'wont leave him alone', and he realizes his mistake. He now yearns for nothing else but 'getting his freedom back' ,:)
He instinctively pulls back/withdraws emotionally - she claws even more.
He knows he must cut this - and she knows it too.
But boy it's HARD - SO much programming.
He doesn't want to be 'the mean one', and the attention (and sex) is SO nice... - and he 'fills a hole' in her, when they are together.

This is the 'emotional drama' the person in the 2nd card yesterday have 'had to witness' - been 'exposed to' (theme of deck 2)?!
(S)he saw it all along, that this is how it was bound to end, but could not do anything other than watch it play out. Knew (s)he should or even MUST not intervene. Surrender to the situation. Knowing it is necessary experiences and lessons for both - AND her(him)self - the writing yesterday: enduring the pain of witnessing another's pain. Not closing down your heart or turning away because it's just "too hard to watch".
For one reason or another we are called to surrender to this situation, to 'stand by' and watch this particular drama play out - and not interfere. We're not allowed to 'bail' or 'come back when it's over'.


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