Four of Wands + Ace of Pent's, Circe + Margarete Petersen
Delayed union - but seeds are sown and with the right nourishment and release of the outdated something new or different will eventually blossom.
We had the theme of delay ('deferred beginning') a couple of days ago, and we've now had a LOT of aces just the past few days really pointing to the birth of something, which we've been advised to encourage (W8 YD for example) and 'open the the door for'.
Some form of 'happy union'.
W4: "The walls of their home resound with the lovers' happiness who gratefully thanks the gods for protecting their union"
"Potential of becoming"
"All of the riches of the earth are contained within those opportunities you are able to seize"
"Give the body everything it needs"
Maybe it's a "divinely supported union", but 'earthly obstacles' hindering it?
The #CirceTarot have the theme of: Stripped of appearances, which feels important. It jacks into the writings about 'lived vs preferred reality' YD.
The realisation that we maybe aren't fully living the life we want to live thought it maybe APPEARED so before. And that we in a sense can start living the life we actually want any moment. "Live as if it's already true".
Maybe the so called manifestation of this isn't immediate (but 'delayed'), but it will not have any choice but to manifest if we persistently continue to nourish the right seeds - and wholeheartedly believe in it and trust 'gods' - it'll "come true".
It will require releases and "deaths" (the theme of the second deck). A release of the HOW, of control, of appearances and pretenses. And maybe also a letting go of things that just have no room or purpose in 'the next reality' that we've planted the seeds for.