Four of Swords + King of Pent's, Erotic Fantasy + Lost Code
Though the current awakening might not be the "pleasurable experience" we wished for its not a time to go back to sleep!
Or, this part of the 'decoding' may take some sleepless nights!
Yep. Was up 'til 3 tonight, and am scheduled to be for approx. 9 more Thursdays.
For the #BioLogicalWoman course with #MelissaSell and friend.
Lovely material, but I (still) feel so VERY uncomfortable in group settings.
I'm very inclined to feeling 'looked down upon'. Very sensitive to 'not being taken seriously'. Not being acknowledged for my experiences and gathered pre-knowledge. Lumped together with "how everyone experience it when they encounter it the first time", whatever IT is. But particularly "complex" stuff.
My mind is wired for complex stuff. It connects dots with the speed of a whirlwind. What takes others years to comprehend, I "get" in merely a couple of weeks. I have a crazy magical capacity to draw parallels.
Of course there's a difference between "getting" something and truly live and embody it, but still.
It annoyed me when I was young, and I was SO eager to get older so I would be taken more seriously.
Because when you're young it so obvious you "cannot have had the life experience", and the "insights of an adult".
Little did I know that it would continue feeling like this ><)
Something to contemplate and ponder on while continuing doing the other lessons I guess!
Bonus material so to speak.
A great opportunity to "accept the way things are", and the way others are..!
Not taking the bait of our own programming and fearful emotions.
Others aren't consciously trying to 'make us smaller'.
We can choose to practice being comfortable in our own truth and knowing, and NOT have to explain ourselves or trying to make others 'understand where we come from'.
And let others not being able to 'meet us where we are' in a way that pleases us ,:)