Four of Swords + Eight of Cups, Cosmic Tribe + Legends


Wow, for at least the 4th time in a week we have the message to not withdraw!

The S4 often pictures a fellow who has withdrawn for rest and recuperation, often it's called 'Truce'.
This one is called #cooperation

Four swords interwoven, almost looking like 4 cups.
"the formerly single-minded swords weave into a complex mandala of interdependence"
Note: not COdependence.
Formerly INdependent 'single-minded' persons engage in INTERdependece.
It reminds me SO much about how David Deida describes the Three Phases in his excellent book #IntimateCommunion 
The growth from co-dependence, through in-dependence, to inter-dependence. And one cannot skip the middle phase.

So instead of withdrawing for strength and energy we are guided to unite for it?!
Or at least aim for it - "effort continued until full success is attained" I read for the C8 (R)
Which is another uncommon interpretation. The C8 often talks about different versions of moving on or letting go - while this one presses on the importance of holding on!
Holding on to something we feel and sense deep inside us is true, but not seems to be true 'by appearance'. There are few 'proofs' on the outside for it.

Because it's new ground. We've never been this independent AND open before. It's a first tentative attempt to create this kind of interdependent cooperation and communion.
Understanding that "common purpose is more powerfully creative than individual agendas".
It requires a high level of inner strength and openness in all participants.
"the harmony leading to cooperation is potent and creative, it is nonetheless fragile and susceptible to strife from within and without"

"it requires you to be vulnerable and trust others, even if you don't agree with them about everything"


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