Four of Pent's + Four of Pent's, Evolutionary + Tarot of te Divine
One theme is obvious here! We're dealing with greed or stinginess in some way, shape or form.
Two Four of Pent's.
There's a particular intensity to the message when you get it doubled.
Remember how YD's cards announced the realized need for change, and an imminent one at that - a need to 'get out of hiding'?
Quite interesting that I woke up with a clear feeling of "I think I'm quite happy with life as it is, I'm not that hungry for change after all".
The cards are not slow to 'correct the faulty thinking ,:)
Nor making room for any misinterpretations.
And also, it's quite normal for a pattern to go into immediate protest when change is asked for. There's something so alluring with 'safety', and 'comfort'. The Familiar - no matter how it looks.
A strong desire to 'hold on to what we have', so clearly illustrated in the first card.
And in the second card we see the Eagle refusing to let his wife go, though he "recognizes his unhappiness" - though she "does not like his lifestyle or living with him".
"unwilling to make changes or set her free"
"an unwillingness to open up or share"
There's a strong Evolutionary call to open up, let go and/or change, but familiarity has an almost equally strong hold on us.
ALMOST being the key word.
Almost, because we're perfectly aware of the mechanisms, and these cards point that out. It's like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar getting your patterns exposed like this ,:)
'Stop messing around, stop moping, get on with it!!'
Again, like I wrote YD - when we've grown out of something it's just impossible for it to 'get better again'. It's SO destructive to refuse to let it go. No matter how 'comfortably familiar' it feels.
Now it's time for a big change in our lives