Four of Pentacles, Venetian Carnival Tarot


"Do you think I'm greedy? Just because I know what is mine?"

This is a complex card.
Of course one shouldn't be greedy and hold too tight to things, but sometimes it's good to be somewhat 'on guard'.
To be careful with what to give, when and how.

To let your head adjust to the vulnerability of sharing from your heart, if that's not something you're used to. 
If you share too much, too fast, you might trigger your inner defense mechanism.
Even if you KNOW you're safe, there might be patterns and traumas locked into your system that will intervene.

While it's important to challenge your comfort zones, it's also important to open up and share in a pace that is "manageable" - so you have the time to regulate (google book 'What Happened to You').

You might have to do some degree of role playing, experimenting with different masks, until your whole system feels safe.

Deck: Ventetian Carnival Tarot
Theme: "archetypes, psychological functions, and masks"
Card: Four of Pentacles

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