Flow + Three of Swords, Sacred Destiny Oracle + Mibramig
Is the pain because we're out of Flow, or because we're resisting were the flow wants to take us?!
I read,
"There are times to hold on to the shore, and there are times to enter the flow"
Are we maybe asked to leave a shore we (consciously or unconsciously) prefer to hold on to?!
It's to scary and painful we say - or feel.
What if the pain comes from our reluctance to let go of the familiar, rather than what we tell ourselves it comes from?
The mind has all kinds of excuses. Explanations. Ifs and buts.
Only keeping our limitations alive though.
"whether we think we can or we can't, we're right" #HenryFord
The Ego loves to be right.
How sexy to be right about our "limitations" though?!
"the time to release old, limiting patterns, forgive, and let go of the need to be right about your beliefs."
Beliefs about ourselves, who we are, or NOT are. What we can and cannot.
Are we waiting for 'the right moment'? (everything 'feeling right')
Are we afraid of who we will be without our familiar stories?
Most growth comes from discomfort though :)
We're asked to let go of thoughts (swords) we've (unconsciously) held as core (heart) truths, while they are not - they are hurting us much more then we've might think.
The hurt isn't 'out there', it lives within, and lives on because of deeply hidden beliefs and thoughts we're maybe not even aware of (and now is the time to become aware).
Maybe 'planted' (programmed) by someone else, but it's our (main) job to write over them!
This kind of hurt won't heal of its own accord or 'with time' - only (self)awareness will heal this ache.
Deep self-awareness.
And that's why we're here :)
1: #SacredDestinyOracle
2: #MibramigTarot