Five of Wands, Pic Tarot
"Peaceful exchange of ideas? No way!"
Right on time for the full moon eclipse in Taurus, conjunct Uranus, opposite Mercury, square Saturn.
"a North Node eclipse that will initially shake us to the core, but will eventually open us up to new possibilities and realities. Whatever happens is for the sake of our growth and development." #AstroButterfly
"Everything you stand for is being questioned."
Considering it's reversed - who is questioning it, might it be yourself?!
Do you truly know what you stand for?
If you feel that everything is bothering, disturbing and triggering, maybe you don't?
Or, at least, you're still not comfortable in/with your own beliefs. Because when we are, we seldom find the need to 'defend them'. We're then comfortable with others not sharing our opinions, and don't feel the need to 'argue'.
And if it's just too uncomfortable being around people diverging greatly from our own beliefs, we walk away - we do not stay and dispute, debate, try to convince, try 'make others understand', and neither do we stay and merely 'endure' it.
It's another ballgame if there's curiosity involved. A reciprocal dialog of exploration.
Give and take - a serious interest in understanding each other.
But if it's just about 'questioning', and talking in different direction above each others' heads (like in the image)?
Then it's better to turn around (reverse).
What turn around will you do this full moon?
Considering the Uranus-Saturn theme you might not even have the chance to choose :)
It may come very unexpectedly and involuntarily, and not be up for questioning!
"This is a North Node eclipse that will initially shake us to the core, but will eventually open us up to new possibilities and realities. Whatever happens is for the sake of our growth and development." #AstroButterfly
You may not have a say in what will happen - but you do have a say in how you respond to it :)
Deck: #PicTarot (app)
Theme: "character design"