Five of Wands, Linestrider's Tarot
Tension and change.
Interesting. Wands five days in a row!
7, 8, Ace, 8, 5.
Indicating we're on somewhat new territory, with much energy and inspiration circulating, and some challenges - inner and outer tension, and a need to 'stand firm in our direction'!
And quite some balancing - 'walking on the line'. Pitfalls everywhere!
Old patterns and insecurities wanting our attention. Wanting us to doubt ourselves, and as a defense: to defend or explain ourselves. In an attempt to consciously or unconsciously convince ourselves 'that what we are doing is right'.
Nothing wrong with that!
But maybe turn our focus more on actually being with our insecurity and uncertainty - rather than trying to explain it away to others and ourselves!
"Making others understand" is merely a projection of our insecurity, or a cry for approval.
Why not focus on approving ourselves - fully - insecurities and all? :)
Practicing having our heart open through this period of tension and movement of intense energies.
Accept and embrace the parts of us who maybe are a little scared because of everything that's happening and changing, and even try to feel and send love towards people around us who are "reluctant to waking up" (yesterday's card) instead of 'fighting' them.
Resistance only feeds more of the same thing - resistance.
Tension feeds more tension.
#Embrace and #Love breaks the cycle!
It may make people uncomfortable, because they are not used to 'such a treatment'. This level of lack of drama/pushback. They may retreat - mirroring OUR insecurities.
An opportunity to practice to meet also feelings of rejection with an open heart. Not embodying victimhood and instead sending also the retreating ones love (Jedi level compassion :))!