Five of Wands, Arco Iris Tarot
Dissolve your inner conflict, and the rainbow bridge 'to a brighter future' will appear!
If the disagreement is (appear to be) on the outside, you can agree to disagree - because you know that whatever resistance you feel, is residing within you, and can only be (dis)solved there!
Who or whatever challenges you from outside is only giving you the opportunity to, as #PeterCrone so beautifully says, see where you are not free! Wherever you feel resistance, there's a shackle or a chain to free yourself from.
A brighter future "comes" when you look at it not with fear, expectation or resistance, but with love, anticipation and curiosity!
All is well!
Whatever is couldn't be any other way, because it isn't :)
Deck: ArcoIrisTarot
Theme: "rainbow bridge"
Card: Five of Wands (R)