Five of Swords + The Fool, Ethereal Visions + Fountain


Following our core values and needs, even thought it may mean letting some people go - as there's no point in fighting for others to stay, understand, or like us, our passions, or to enthuse the adventures we yearn to take!

Accepting that we have to 'make this journey by ourselves', in one sense or another.
We may not understand 'why' until well on our way #TheUnknown
But eventually it will probably be very obvious - and we will be VERY grateful we had the courage to 'take the leap' :)

As I mentioned yesterday - let's stop waiting for others to sheer us on, give us permission, or 'agree'.
Let's sheer ourselves on - creating the future we want!
Most people are afraid of the unknowable - projecting their fear on us, through questioning our choices in one way or another. Pushing their opinions on us, not wanting to listen to us, coming with 'well intended recommendations', trying to 'hold us back'. Anything but being supporting and curious basically!

Let's not let their resistance (aka "conflict") of others stop us.
Let's ask ourselves what inner conflicts these people mirror back!

Why do we feel we need others' consent, approval, entusiasm and understanding?
If we were safe and secure in our values, wants and choices we wouldn't need it?! We would calmly and happily carry on with our life and projects - and let others do the same!
Trusting that 'the right people' will appear along the way. People sharing our particular enthusiasm!

#Venus Rx, and soon the beginning of a new 584 day #VenusCycle
Time for a clean up, and a fresh start. Courageously following our own hearts henceforth - inspiring others to do the same!

Not wasting precious energy trying to make people who display resistance not to do so. It's better to let them go. They will come back if they really are 'curious about us' - but just might 'need the space' to feel/realise it on their own. If so, we need to be honest with ourselves if they come back in 'high energy', or out of loneliness or habit (aka our own loneliness/subconscious patterns attracting theirs).

#RadicalHonesty <3 #HeartExpansion

1: #EtherealVisionsTarot
2: #FountainTarot

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