Five of Pent's + Nine of Wands, PoMo + Urban
What a mix of meanings and messages!
In the traditionally rather gloomy P5 we here see a lot of exuberance, and then a toilsome W9 added to it, in reverse.
A card that usually shows 'standing outside in the cold' here beams with excitement, openness and joy - what's that about?
Is it that we're doing some really hard work on our attitudes at the moment, and eventual feelings of 'exclusion'?
Are we actually trying to get inside that warm church that the traditional P5 depicts, or changing our attitudes about 'being on the outside' (realise that it's actually a choice, and/or necessary)?
Are we lowering our defenses in some sense and letting people close to us actually give us some support in a way we haven't before?
Contemplating that we maybe aren't a 'burden' to them, that they actually want to 'be there' for us - and that it even makes them feel good?!
It ain't easy braking neither age-old habits and patterns of being 'self-sufficient and resilient' nor letting go of victim-consciousness. One thing is for sure though - it will get easier if we keep practicing it.
Practicing it not with any and all people though, but with the right people. People we feel that we can somewhat easily 'be naked with' again and again. People we 'win' with - who energize us and who we energize.
Individuals that repeatedly not only tell us but also show us that they care. Show us in a way that truly resonates with us - we have to be honest with our self, as it's typically not a good idea to accept support just because it's offered if it doesn't 'feel right'.
People we feel safe and visible with. Seen by. People embracing us no matter how we feel. With no judgement or urge to 'make it go away' or distract us from our feelings. They have the strength and courage to 'let everything be there' and can be with us no matter how we feel and not make it personal.
Individuals that 'hug us at just the right time'.
The quest of finding our tribe - or at least figuring out what kind of people we want in our tribe!