Five of Pent's + Faith, Secret + Chakra Wisdom Oracle


Ending a period of (experienced) exclusion - self-chosen secrecy and hiding - and beginning to show and trust our shine!

Isn't that a "funny" looking P5?!
We're used to seeing two poor fellas in the cold outside a varm church. Here we see exposure and 'showing ourselves', even being 'watched and captured'...! Therefore I see the message of 'coming out of (ending a period in) the somewhat lonely cave' and choosing to show ourselves in all our glory.

A theme we've already seen twice the past week. For example in the shape of a reversed Hermit. This is rather similar, with the 'Secret' theme of the 1st deck on top of the 'reversing seclusion theme'.

And the theme of 'showing ourselves' is repeated in the second card, for which I explicitly read the following question:
"Am I willing to let myself to shine?"


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