Five of Pentacles, Shapeshifter Tarot
Now we have a good opportunity to contemplate loss and loneliness.
Parting with something and taking steps in a new direction almost always raises uncomfortable feelings.
Especially if we're heading into uncharted territory and the new hasn't really 'taken off' (yesterdays air balloon)
It takes a special kind of courage - leaving something before having something tangible to go to.
Especially if we're still carrying some form of attachment trauma and put a high value on what feels safe to us.
But now we have enough awareness about these things, and ourselves, why it's the right time to 'risk our safety' to 'follow our talents'.
Make a shift.
Some sort of personal paradigm shift even.
Following Pluto's ingress into Aquarius - independence and uniqueness. The new, the bold.
So whether we're parting with a person, a job, a place or a place to make room for something new - suiting better with who we've become and which will spark further growth - this time of 'shapeshifting' is a time we must not rush.
Loss, a sense of loneliness and grief is a(n important) part of the process.
Let's take our time with this. To feel all the feelings without getting engulfed by them.
To find 'the middle way' - the razor's edge between drowning and pushing on (rushing to get away from the discomfort) :)
Let's find a tree we can climb, and from which we can look at it all a little from above.
Where we can sit quietly and separate our grief from our fear and defense reactions (I'm thinking about that spiky hedgehog/porcupine)
Waiting for the waves to calm.
Deck: #ShapeshifterTarot