Five of Cups, Robin Wood Tarot
Not all things are meant to last forever - 'getting our illusions crushed' ("disillusionment") is more often than not actually a good thing.
I don't personally relate to this card at the moment.
I suspect that it 'belongs to' a friend of mine, but as I haven't asked it's merely a intuitive sensation/guess at this point.
So I will write more generally about the theme/message.
"Despite feelings, do not give up hope"
It's best to just 'grief the fact' than drown ourselves in thoughts about how we wish things were different, or engage in blame or shame of ourselves or another. Engage in endless loops of 'stupid me' and all the things we could have or should have done differently, as to not 'end up in this mess'.
It's a situation were 'whatever we do it will be (feel) wrong', because the messiness of it.
There's just too much trauma involved and activated.
Things can't (and shouldn't) be 'saved' - there's just no way of getting that wine back into the glasses ,:)
And - we're not bad people for not being able to 'save it'!
The task now is to 'feel the feelings' and not make up (more) stories about them.
Not all things are meant to last forever - and not all things are meant or possible to 'end well'.
#Allow #Accept #Embrace
Maybe it will, eventually - but now is not a time to try to make it so.
Right now the best thing to do is to tend to the grief itself, and remember that 'all isn't lost' - only that which isn't meant to last.