Five of Cups + Queen of Wands, Schitty + Radiant Rider Waite
One glass closer to 'moving on'!
"what inspires and motivates us we need to allow into our hearts".
What makes our hearts pump, what "gives our heart fuel to work" - that we need more of.
We know what this is, but there might be something in the way. Something we need to 'give up' or 'sacrifice' in some sense.
Something that is not that easy to 'just let go'.
I think about the Five of Cups.
Remember that we got 3 of this in 2 days about 2 weeks ago?
Usually there's 2 cups spilled and 3 standing. Now there's only 1 spilled and 4 upright. It's like we are getting closer to 'giving what WAS up' - to make room for what we actually need.
Again, the situation isn't optimal. It's not something we planned for. Hence the 'not so easy to just let go'.
Other people are involved. Other people's emotions, and opinions, are involved.
But as the saying goes - "the heart wants what it wants".
And now we're not talking about 'pink clouds wanting' - intense emotions wanting - but pure passion.
"That which animates us"
A very special kind of sensation. A KNOWING rather than a feeling.
And until you know it, you don't know it.
Hence the 'not planned' aspect - really.
These things just happen - divinely orchestrated.
The Universe just doesn't care what you 'have going in your life'.
And what ever we have going, and whatever we have been doing until now, it has all been a preparation for this kind of intervention. Without it we wouldn't be who we are, and wouldn't be able to KNOW in this way.
And again, sometimes it's a process to "allow this into our hearts".
A process involving losses, disappointment, jealousy, and maybe some deceit. A lot of opinions basically - both without and within.