Eight of Wands + Three of Wands, Cosmic Cycles + Star Spinner
We can listen to stories from others but then we have to act on the base of our own inner truth - we know our life best!
The need to do both is pressing now?!
To listen, study and 'gain knowledge', but then to actively translate that knowledge into what 'that means to us' - and act on it. Integrate it into how we act in the world.
It can be scary! Feel like a 'free-fall into nothing' this 'acting in a new way', as we truly don't know where it will take us. There's no way to predict the 'outcome' as there is no 'past' to compare with when we learn to act and REact (respond) in a way we never did in the past. It's impossible to see were the track goes, and we just have to trust that the track IS there!
The times are potent! Changes are called for, and we are urged to continue whatever it is we are doing.
W3: "You can clearly observe the opportunities and challenges ahead of you, and it emboldens you to continue"