Eight of Wands, Romantic Tarot


No turning back from this one - "nothing will be the same" from now

"Amorous awakening"
A romantic or intimate connection have irrevocably awakened us. Maybe to something we don't really want to see yet - that stark morning light through the window chocking our eyes ,:) (and reversed card)

What is it that we are waking up to now, and/or - what are we feeling in our bodies?
Where is the dissonance? How is our system shaken?
What is no longer feeling like it used to feel? Or why is something not feeling like we've anticipated it to feel?

What beliefs are shaken? What old truths are no longer true - despite our wanting them to be?

Or are we the one opening the curtains?
Are we having an 'awakening effect' on someone else?
Again - whether we like it or not ,:) (reversed)
It's quite the responsibility to have a role like that, especially in delicate matters like relationships and intimacy/sex.

Maybe both is true - considering the fact that 2 people are needed to make a relationship!

Maybe a continuation and further inquiry into yesterday's 'overwhelm' and sense of 'halt'.
Pressing again on the fact that it's all a part of the awakening process.

The feeling of 'waking up in the wrong bed' might also be a necessary part of it!
It might be necessary to give us a 'reference experience' - many lessons are learned through trial and error! Many are the things we need to experience before we can tick them off our list! The whole "I don't want you to do the mistakes I did" teaching is well intended, but as we often learn through so called mistakes many of them need to be made.

Sometimes we don't know what is right until we've explored 'wrong' deeply enough!
Maybe we have to stray quite a bit from the path before realizing "it was always there, just steps away".

No matter what role we have in this dynamic - no worry or hurry will help! (reversed)


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