Eight of Wands, Good Tarot
We're onto something good - the universe got our back!
Not the traditional darting arrows, so there's no actual rush or hurry - maybe even the other way around.
Or both!
Things are simultaneously going painfully slow and super fast at the same time, in a weird way ':)
Slowly from the outside and to the ego maybe, but at lightning speed to our fears and vulnerable parts - as we're heading into a kind of unknown territory that we're NOT 'feeling ready' for.
We don't feel prepared - how can we, we don't know were we're going!! ':)
Yes, it may induce an immense sense of nervousness - to not feel ready or not be able to prepare adequately.
If you look at it from a rational point of view that is - which most of us are used and taught to do.
Subjectively there are no problems!
Intuitively though we KNOW everything happens according to 'divine timing', and therefore we must be 'ready enough' for whatever happens.
So it's not impossible that there's also excitement under, or mixed in, with the nervousness!
Out of habit, out of a fear of 'getting hurt' or that things will 'crash' we might be afraid to even recognize the excitement, and even more afraid to actually tap into it.
It's NOT a matter of preparing for a performance, and there is nothing that can, or nothing WE can, fail!
It's NOT a competition - it's an #ADVENTURE ! (#GeneKey35 )
It's NOT about winning or performing - it's about #EXPLORATION !
As with all adventures - we will learn as we go :)
Learn, and grow.
Deck: #GoodTarot