Eight of Swords + Two of Swords, Crystal Visions + Spiral
Believing we're more lost than we are.
Wow, that's a lot of blindfold!
And the meaning that catches my eye (for the S2) is:
"denial of facts"
The cards scream I DON'T KNOW!!
The theme of the first deck is The Unknown, then there's two blindfolds, and both a sense of being trapped and having troubles making a decision.
Isn't this just the most interesting 'clash' or polar opposite to yesterday's cards?! Were there was all party, celebration and achievements. Which only reinforces the sense that there's primarily doubt in today's cards, and yes - "denial of facts"!
Deeply rooted fear making us refuse to believe what we know is true, and also refusing to FEEL what is undeniably there?
One thing might be true though - the tightrope thing!
That we're in a situation requiring quite the focus and really 'minding our next step'.
Mostly because there's just so much fear involved in the situation (maybe not only ours).
It takes all our might to not let this guide our next step. Fearful thoughts hoovering all around, pretending to 'have our safety in mind' while in reality merely keeping us stuck. Which of course is fear's version of safety! 'Staying put' and not changing (risking) anything. "We're all good as it is!"
The best way to overcome this doubt is to 'ride it out'. We can't MAKE it go away. Or reason it away - as that's just more thoughts (birds)! More fear. Distraction from feeling, and aligning with our KNOWING.
So no. No decisions needs to be made. No particular action.
Just embracing the fact that we're deeply afraid and uncertain is enough for now!
Embracing the FACTS that uncertainty is neither wrong, bad nor a sign of weakness. Something to 'get rid of'.
AND, neither a reason to abort.
A pause is good, but then just be very alert and mindful of our next step. So it doesn't come out of fear.
We ARE moving in the right direction.