Eight of Swords + Three of Pent's, Sweet Twilight + White Numen


S8 again.
What is it that 'traps us'?
(YD we had the S8-cat trapped by a branch)

P3 rev.
P3 traditionally shows three people in some kind of collaboration. Three DIFFERENT people, with DIFFERENT experiences and perspectives mulling over a task or thing.
Reversed, some form of dissonance might be suggested. OR: the EXPERIENCE of dissonance?
If we are 'built for harmony' the experience of diverging perspectives or particular kinds of differences might be highly uncomfortable. Our system might sound the alarm as if something is super wrong, when it's just a matter of difference - which might, of course, actually be a GOOD thing!

Might it be that we're trapped by our own fear of, and thoughts (swords) about differences or 'perceived disharmony'?!
A deep rooted feeling that it's paramount that 'all agree', and that this state must be achieved as fast as humanly possible?
A deep rooted fear of confusion, disagreement, and different opinions and perspectives in general?
Not perceiving it as the perfectly 'normal' path of development that it is. Not seeing (feeling) the opportunities for reflection and expansion that is inherent in 'discord'.
And the wonderful opportunity for true and real communication and 'getting to know each other' (and ourselves, and the world) better.

Maybe our defense system and 'pain body' perceives differing opinions/perspectives as separation? Hence as a biological threat to our survival?
Do we carry a peculiarly strong emotional memory (feeding a belief) that this is a really, really bad thing if we think, feel or behave 'differently'?

It seems like the cards guide us to just 'be with this experience'.
Be with these feelings, and separate the feelings from our thoughts about the feelings as well as the situation.


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