Eight of Swords + The World, Riderless + Friends


Catching our breath and taking a last sip of water before we close this circle or phase!

We're close to the finish line in some sense - The World being the last card in the Major Arcana.
We have some anxious thoughts about it - S8 - but they're not hindering us from 'sticking to our plan'. We know beyond the shadow of a doubt that it's just a matter of fear, old patterns trying to "keep us safe".
Safe from 'the World out there' - that which lies beyond the known.

Again, we know about these mechanisms, so we can calmly pause for bit and just remind ourselves about this.
And that fears and patterns are always their most loud right before a break-through - before the 'last step', before the closure of one phase and the beginning of something brand new.

So it's a perfect time to take a 'quiet moment for ourself', and then to proceed with gentleness.
This last step is most effectively made without boasting or big words - which merely would be a compensation for the insecurity or "lack of courage" we actually feel. A way to drown out the fear so we don't hear its protests.

The key now is to listen to it, compassionately, and 'do it anyway' with full awareness.
The more we speak the more we loose our focus. At this particular time.

There's really no rush or urgency, no matter what fear creeps up on us.
Whatever it is we want to reach, close or achieve - it's already ours!!
We already 'have it in our hands'.
So there's no reason to haste the 'make it a reality' part!!
But rather, to let it come to closure organically. So 'all the moving pieces' have time to fall into the right places.


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