Eight of Sords + Ten of Swords, Spiral + Xultun
Keeping ourselves at arms length from true change, through created limitations!
A bound up woman and a mortuary bundle prepared for burial, how gloomy!
"Fear is keeping you bound and oppressed"
"not a card of violent death but more of pain and loss"
An invitation to contemplate if there is something holding us back from taking the last step (10)?
That 'something' of course not being someone or something else, but our own thoughts and beliefs.
Are we 'tying ourselves up' in fear of losing something?
Refraining from saying or doing something we actually want to?
In fear of losing a person, money, time, energy, or...our face?
Afraid we won't recognize ourselves if we change 'too much'?
It's hard to admit it, or even look at it - blindfolded, back turned towards the fearful stuff.
Instead we continue our pretended struggle - see card 2 days ago.
It just so much easier to hold on to limiting stories and known narratives than create new ones.
In the unknown we won't have all the answers. We would have to be 'beginners' again. And probably fail a lot.
Doesn't seem that fun?!
But how fun is it really to 'defend our limitations'?! (The ego loves to be right, even if it is to our own detriment!)
Experiencing the same over and over because of it?
Why not chose a discomfort that leads to growth and expansion, rather than one that means staying tied, repeating old patterns and attracting the same things?!
Whatever we 'lose' on the way is meant to go.
So much is waiting for us on the other side!
On the other side of fear and self-declared limitations.
1: #SpiralTarot
2: #XultunTarot