Eight of Cups, Sun and Moon Tarot


And in the wake of the Eight of Wands (yesterday) urging us to 'hold our horses' lack of initiative befalls us.

Maybe because things happened that triggered a feeling of 'what's the point' within us.
It probably became perfectly obvious during the day yesterday why we must not rush the development of some things. Things happened that made us pause and 'take care of what we got', hence 'delaying' us from pushing for outward changes - maybe and probably because there still are more 'changes to be made on the inside'.
Things and feelings to process - otherwise they WILL 'come up and bite us in the ass later', so better deal with it now!

Again, the 'feeling things through', so that action comes from a 'well process place', no stones left unturned.
Again, so that the eventual and final action might very well be the same that we think and assume we must take already, but if we take it now - before feeling things through and waiting for a clear 'go' from within - it will be premature.

There is a range of emotions we must go through before 'moving on'.
In the area of "what is it that we really want" ('building up an appetite' the day before yesterday)
So that we not repeat an eventual pattern of going for what we THINK we want and need, and/or to 'get away' from something.

The cards hint at that we might still don't have enough clarity around this.

Again, it's about arriving at a 'knowing'.
Just like forgiveness isn't something we can push or decide to suddenly practice but something we must 'arrive at'.


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