Eight of Cups, Margarete Petersen Tarot
'Water under the bridge' - a LOT of emotions passing through our system.
Surfacing, being experienced, accepted, embraced, and released.
All in the name of getting "to the bottom of things" (LWB) #Healing
With #courage and #determination we "open (y)ourself towards all those dark, formless and obscure feelings that rise to the surface and reveal themselves in order to be seen." (LWB)
"Part you have to do, part happens without your doing anything"
"This is all about accurately feeling and sensing and experiencing the subtle shifting of boundaries. To balance action and reaction requires great sensitivity."
Not for the faint of heart, but all before have been to build us up for this - we are well prepared.
And all that is 'happening' is FOR us, helping us to do this work - which is noting less than our soul's mission.
The angels are celebrating!