Death + Eight of Pent's, White Cats + Chalice
Are we seeing the last bout of self-doubt and resistance?
We saw it a lot in the cards of January.
Resistance to big though necessary changes, again because of relying "too much on the status offered by past achievements".
Both in the sense of having 'put so much effort into it' - that which we have achieved and built up - and maybe also 'the image we've built'.
It's a hard thing on the ego to 'give it up'.
The achievement, the image, the comfort of it.
And the always looming, "what will others think?"
Closely related to, or of course mirroring, the insecurity of "what will it say about me if...?".
Of course we KNOW that it's not a matter of giving it ALL up, nor 'loosing it all'. It is "just" a matter of CHANGE. Though big one, we will be able to build UPON what is already built. We won't be starting from scratch. And so much will be BETTER. As it is a question of NECESSARY, and also WANTED change. It really is a matter of DEVELOPMENT.
But just too much of a change and breaking with patterns and also some kind of "status" for the Ego to "accept it".
For the Ego it's really a matter of live and DEATH!! Not just a change, and much needed rebirth into something new.
A LOT of self-doubt in these cards.
Probably heavily mirrored in our surroundings, in the shape of obstacles, judgment, harshness - adding to the sense that we're doing something wrong and eventual shame/guilt. While it's actually an opportunity to face our self-doubt, 'stand up for ourselves' and choose authenticity and integrity (cat).
Because the ego doesn't care for this change, it reminds us that we probably don't have what it takes. That we're not 'skilled enough' (P8 rev) to 'pull this through', and...'come out alive'.
Why it might be that we're burying ourselves in 'hard work', to somehow 'show how strong we are' - others and ourselves.
When in reality we're merely DISTRACTING ourselves, keeping ourselves too busy for the necessary change.
Or, by this keeping ourselves hidden from all the reflected reactions on our own self-doubt.
A lot of self-compassion is called for!
As we're on the brink of a change not for the faint of heart.