Beneath the Surface, Foxfire Oracle
"go beneath the apparent nature of reality and go deep within"
A continuation of 'don't rush and don't procrastinate' - both common expressions of 'not wanting to do the work'.
That is: pause, go within, go below.
Becoming 'stuck in what we see'. The Ego's way of keeping us busy. Away from truly feeling - by going immediately for 'explanations'. (Outside) 'causes'.
Immediate reaction - immediate gratification, that's the game of the Ego.
"There is much within the world that can be misread when we look upon the surface"
I just love that sentence.
It goes on and talk about "over-accustomed eyes".
Like when we're afraid of being taken advantage of (because it 'has happened to us' so many times before) - all we see is people wanting to take advantage of us, or 'rip us off'. It can make us not even notice all the 'nice' people actually inhabiting this place!
Are our eyes always trustworthy?!
The horizon may LOOK flat - but is it?
"We see what we believe"
Or what we 'know' to be true (based on passed experience, or our training)
"We attract what we judge until we no longer judge it" #RobertEdwardGrant
An invitation to contemplate the validity of our perception, and WHY we see what we see!
An how we relate to this. And if it even matches how we want to see things!
There's SO much we THINK we see, or are told to see (or think or feel or do).
We have a choice! #FreeWill
#BeTheChange #ChangeIsAchoice
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." #AlbertEinstein
Deck: #FoxfireOracle