Ace of Wands, Radiant Rider Waite
Oh the feeling of inspiration and bringing things forth from our essence!
Something happening is inducing a spark, an opportunity to bring forth our creativity and versatility #GeneKey16
A new opportunity, a new beginning - something totally fresh or a 'new take', a higher level or rebirth of sorts.
Especially related to our #radiance (Mine is #GeneKey59 - so, a new level/break-through in #Intimacy )
Wasn't it worth the wait?!
The eventual pain, the discomfort of patience and sitting with uncertainty.
Creating the right circumstances for this spontaneous or even unexpected growth.
In reality it's a natural development or effect of 'hard work'.
As in contemplating ourselves deeply, building soil, growing deep roots, and even a little 'playing dead' ;) (see yesterday).
Just like it's not really surprising that a sprout 'pops out of the soil', given the right conditions.
In my case:
Through giving others space to 'do what they feel they must', even letting them go, to 'do their own mistakes', without trying to stop them, chase them, judge them, shame them - although my head sometimes wanted it, because their actions 'affected me', 'hurt me' (pinned an old wound or belief of mine).
Instead of 'acting out', I gave myself the same space, time and compassion to 'do what I needed'! <3
This is how we can make/help others 'stop in their flight tracks' (if/when they are willing - accepting their choice, always).
Resolutely refraining from nurturing drama and fear games - including our own.
Be the one breaking the pattern.
Be one focused on opening ones own heart, acting from (in alignment with) soul - radiating ones essence.
Deck: #RadiantRiderWaiteTarot