Ace of Pent's + Five of Cups, Ghetto + Arco Iris
A strong theme of turning something very challenging into something beautiful.
First the Ghetto Tarot, which has that exact theme!
Then the reversed C5 which speaks about "recovering from personal setback and/or regret".
Together with the Ace, suggesting New Beginnings - with some delay (reversed).
And the Arco Iris Tarot, symbolizing deep transformation - The Rainbow Bridge.
Someone very dear to me vulnerably shared something beautiful right before I pulled these cards, which summarizes all this very well:
"Sometimes falling is not the end of your life or your career, but the beginning of a new path <3"
I strongly agree.
Sometimes we really do have to fall apart, have our life fall apart or have something 'happen to us' for us to awaken to who we truly are and to see and feel what we deep inside want and need.
And, we first HAD to experience that which we now need to 'fall' from, because otherwise we wouldn't have something to compare with so to speak.
All experiences we have on our life journey are necessary.
And it takes an enormous amount of courage to let ourselves or our lives fall - especially if we have put a lot of energy and resources into building things up.
An enormous amount of strength to accept and transmute all feelings of regret or sense of 'having failed', and turn it into 'the beginning of a new path'.