Ace of Cups + Two of Swords, Disney Villains + Ethereal Visions
No point in trying to figure out an action or the next step before we are in emotional balance again.
YD we got the "frustrating Five of Wands", with an image of 'separating fire' and words like "every time you get close, you find something that causes delay".
This particular delay has been for us to "regain control over ourselves" (AoC R). To Know What We Feel - as compared to THINKING we know what we feel, and WHY!
Emotional disarray is uncomfortable and habitually or 'by training' it's "normal" to try and "make it go away". Attack that which triggered it, withdraw from the trigger in hurt, close down in defense, or ANY other path of action that we THINK will 'lessen the discomfort' or 'solve the (perceived) problem (emotion)'.
But there ain't no problem!
"You are experiencing an emotional imbalance" (and were are the emotions? Yes, IN US, not out there)
Something "happened" that triggered an upsurge of emotions, some or many of them uncomfortable.
But emotions aren't Villains!!
They actually hold answers.
Especially the 'shady ones'.
"Don't bottle up", and don't try to 'find a way out (or lash out)'.
And of course, don't blame the messenger - the trigger!
Emotions aren't "hindrances", keeping us away from what we want (yesterday). On the contrary, they show us the way.
Let us know if we're on the wrong one, or confirms we're on track!
Maybe we're afraid to pause only to have the realization that we're working for the wrong dream? Experience that our 'efforts have been in vain'?
We're invited to face these fears! And not just 'blindly move on'.
To re-direct or to re-affirm.
"You won't move forward unless you regain control of yourself"
No way around it, we won't "get closer" until we courageously open up to all emotions and possibilities!