Ace of Cups, Gamble-Hounsome Tarot
Allowing all feelings!
Ace of Cups two days in a row.
Yesterday a deck symbolizing choosing growth before survival, and here the deck symbolizing allowing growth in the direction it wants to go, as the creator of the deck describes it as 'the deck that created itself'.
By allowing this, emotions and feelings keep emerging into our consciousness!
"the rising of our emotions into the light and the subsequent realisation and acceptance of how we really feel."
We're now being totally honest with ourselves, and on the path of leaving our 'neglecting our true feelings days' behind!
No more compromising our dreams or true nature.
Anything becomes possible when we're true and compassionate to ourselves, and determined in our decision to (re)open our hearts 'no matter what'!
WE become possible!
And as we raise our frequencies in this way we attract to us events and people with higher frequencies and more open hearts. That's how we find our 'fractal families/tribes' and the circumstances were we will thrive and prosper!
Deck: #GambleHounsomeTarot