Ace of Cups + Ace of Swords, Secret + Hidden Realm


In the quiet of ourselves we're more and more being able to discern true from false when it comes to both our emotions and our thoughts.

Also because life now presents us with events, relationships and information that really highlights how and were we are not living in alignment. Holidays have a way of amplifying things - suddenly the comfort of routines isn't there. Which makes it very obvious were we use routines to hide or distract ourselves - maybe to a degree that chocks us when we realize it.

We can now choose to use all this 'new information' (Aces) to make necessary shifts.
After we have firmly landed in it of course, and really know what we feel and think about everything around us - and from that can decide what changes we need to make to create a life 'more in alignment with who we are'.
When we also have come fully to terms with how our truth can and may have changed over the years, months or even days - what used to be true for us just isn't any longer. And that's ok.
Change is such a central part of life. And growth.

 "His complete knowledge of his environment is a product of his curiosity. His control of himself shows determination. Through all this, he has become wise and able to judge truth from distraction."

It's 'an inside job' - #SecretTarot #HiddenRealmTarot 
We cannot ask others for guidance or answers.
It's even a great risk that others will lead us astray - things are very sensitive now.

"Discerning the truth is not always easy, but this card lets you know that truth is within your grasp"


"the truth that you are seeking will come as a gift, elegant, beautiful, but fleeting. Like Heron, it may be hard to see, so employ his gift of discernment to recognize it."

"The opportunity held within this truth - for opportunity there will be - must be grasped quickly"

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