Acceptance +Queen of Wands, She Whispers Her Truth + New Chapter


Letting go of control, acting in flow!

Accepting the fact that there are many things that for the moment are 'out of our control', and maybe also accepting that they SHOULD be!
Maybe especially if we are a woman? (trigger alert ;))

It very much possible to both act and create change WITHOUT being in control you know!!
Maybe more so, as we are then not investing tons of energy in controlling stuff (and maybe people)?!

Letting go of the need for things and people to be in a particular way, and for things to develop in particular ways.
Especially if we have 'many balls in the air', or many things hanging.
Let them hang! Catch the balls we don't need to bend over backwards to catch, and let the others fall where they may?

Whatever feels exhausting to us control - do we REALLY need to control that?
Or is it habit or the thought that we need to control it, or for it to be in a specific way?

Why is it that we have to be the most responsible kid on the block?
And do we really?!

How much of what we try to do and control are things we really care for and things that really MATTER to us?
Stuff that really inspire us.

What would happen if we resolutely decided to invest our care only in stuff that matters to us?
And focus on care before control of it?
Which certainly doesn't mean less action, just that it 'comes from a different place'.
A more inspired place.

Inspiration and deep DESIRE create far better and lasting things than control and need(iness).

The times are excellent for making these kinds of changes! New Moon eclipse in Libra.
A perfect time to 'start a New Chapter' :)


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