8 of Pent's + Ten of Swords, Girlfriend's + Shapeshifter


The thirst for results is a desire hard to let go of - and impossible to quench!

#GirlfriendsTarot twice in 4 days, P8 two days in a row - now reversed. And the mood (melancholy) of the Ceccoli deck the day before yesterday lingers.
Working so hard and nothing to show for it?!
Everything is ruined...

Wow, feel the energy in that!!
It feels VERY heavy - mostly because it's not true!

It's happening A LOT, maybe just not that visibly, or maybe the most 'bugging' thing - it's not the development we WANT ;)
Though: it IS the development we (and all involved) NEED!

We know this, we FEEL the changes - things taking new forms and expressions (#ShapeshifterTarot ). Mostly us.
We think, feel, perceive matters, and react differently!
SO differently.
The head is stuck on the surface though ,:)

BUT a lot less than it used to do.
THAT's how much things - nay, WE - are shifting and growing.

We NEED this time of 'no results' or 'slow development'.
VERY much.
There's SO much happening with(in) us and SO much still to transform, if things were happening faster it would RUIN it.

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