10 of Wands + King of Pent's, Parrott + Housewives
Feeling oppressed by a self-appointed king who 'believes everything he reads in the newspaper'?!
Can we turn it around? Can we make it into a teaching/learning situation?
Can we be (or act) grateful for the trigger, and reflect our perception back in a neutral way?
Say a few words about "all you've read isn't true you know", "all you know isn't applicable to everyone", and maybe describe in an as humble way as possible that they just 'put their foot in it' in a matter we actually know more about.
ESPECIALLY important if this someone is (most likely unconsciously) trying to tell or teach us what we should think, feel or believe. As it's most likely an unconscious thing it's important that we're 'delicate' about it - at least if we're interested in actually teaching someone something. Reacting from our hurt place will have the opposite effect.
An excellent opportunity to practice 'responding on behalf' of the hurt place, or our hurt inner child.