Two of Wands, Many Doors Tarot
Raised focus on personal goals, and opening some doors leading us our of our comfort zone and 'into the future'!
See mirror_living at Instagram.
Raised focus on personal goals, and opening some doors leading us our of our comfort zone and 'into the future'!
Resolute movement forward - though a little 'wobbly' and some 'mishaps' on the way, we are moving in the right direction!
Can we put our own biases aside in the name of compassion and healing?
Queen of Pentacles 2 times in 3 days - we're in a nurturing and practical streak ;)
It's essential to become aware of which circumstances and engagements that are draining us (rather than nourishing us).
Offering shelter, a comforting hug, or a 'safe space' in general or metaphorically, for people close to us inclined to growth
Many inspiring doors opening up - activating our thought processes and helping us 'connect the dots' in lightning speed!
The road to 'wizardry' (or some kind of mastery) might be arduous, but we're getting closer and it will be worth it in the end :)
There is nothing to be found for us in shallow relationships or circumstances - we need to move on from that, no matter how 'comfortable'.
It seems like there is something we should do! ,:)