Distinguishing between fear and reality, giving up "power tripping and victimization"
Card of the Day
See mirror_living at Instagram.
Ace of Wands, Vikings Tarot
Don't worry, the inspiration wont go anywhere!
Three of Wands, Gay Tarot
Giving people close to us full freedom, and letting them figure out what's real and what's not on their own!
Three of Wands, Gay Tarot
Something great suddenly happened or was achieved, now it's important to not become greedy or clinging!
Two of Wands, Tree Tarot
Looking carefully at our goals, and ensuring that our actions are aligned with them or are clearly steps towards them.
The Emperor, Steampunk Tarot
Beware of succumbing to or get lost in 'control' or linear thinking today!
Two of Wands, Joie de Vivre Tarot
Tapping into intuition for clarity before embarking on a new adventure.
Four of Pentacles, Tarot of the Hidden Realm
"healing or resting after a turbulent experience"
Our creativity and spirits are on the raise again!