Eight of Cups, Sun and Moon Tarot
And in the wake of the Eight of Wands (yesterday) urging us to 'hold our horses' lack of initiative befalls us.
See mirror_living at Instagram.
And in the wake of the Eight of Wands (yesterday) urging us to 'hold our horses' lack of initiative befalls us.
"Watch out for speeding tickets"
Solitude - building up appetite!
'Consistently communicating what we know to be true' (for us) and letting something die - to find the seed of something new.
No time to delay things or doing inessential things - climb those stairs!!
"Your intuition and spiritual insight are both accurate at this time; let them be your guides to appropriate action and communication" - step away from tradition and question "the rules" (who created them, when, why?)
Destiny hits and change our lives (Uranus conjunct Jupiter you know).
Standing our ground in 'relationships of different of opinions' - not backing down in fear of 'bullying' or of being ostracized.
Taking control of our own house - and letting others disagree with us!
Deciding what's important for US when it comes to family dynamics, or close relationships in general - the theme of 'important choices' continues.