Ending a period of (experienced) exclusion - self-chosen secrecy and hiding - and beginning to show and trust our shine!
Card of the Day
See mirror_living at Instagram.
Dare to care - get out of your so called safe hiding place!
16 swords, that's a lot of swords!
Remain visible and things might happen - things promoting our blooming!
"what you need is probably already at hand" - but we might have to act swiftly on something appearing or being announced, or chances (persons) will pass us by?! Potential for mutual healing (the medicine theme).
Our alertness, reconnaissance and some courageous 'messaging' have given results - just not ones to harvest yet.
It takes one to shift a relationship - it actually isn't necessarily a team-effort!
King of Pent's + Hanged Man, Cat + Wizard's
Oh, isn't that a lovely message ><)
Achievement, with highly overwhelming components to it.
Festivities (with a diabolic touch) "that give relief and lift us towards new destinations", but first - a dark night of the soul transition ><)