"Let the answers emerge like a great sunrise"
Card of the Day
See mirror_living at Instagram.
The old classic fear of taking the leap because we're afraid of loosing something 'hard earned'.
We're beginning to truly know what's right for US when it comes to relationship, and it's NOT what 'the system tells us' or tries to indoctrinate us to believe.
The discomfort of unfinished business.
We have the Ace of Cups talking about "good things coming from dark growth" (pictured by the water lilies) and we have Tarot of the Vampyres - you know the creatures who are known for 'sucking the life energy (blood) out of us'!
Not a day to push it, but to keep our vision and become even stronger in our purpose!
Detached (transparent) Herculean effort in order to harmonize the feminine and masculine - within or/and without.
Involuntary rest (break-down) so we can contemplate some of our shadows, and unexpressed 'dark desires' and secrets.
Yes, you see right - NINETYNINE (99) of Cups.
The last stretch (of this leg, or part of the journey at least).