Persistently staying in motion and our own flow, despite not really reaping any rewards for our work - because it lights us up from inside, and eventually will 'open doors' we didn't even knew existed.
Card of the Day
See mirror_living at Instagram.
Not a time to change or act, but staying committed though despairing.
A lot of thoughts around Team-work now.
How to team-work when you're in the middle of changing or modifying your beliefs? When you don't have a firm ground to stand on, and 'defend' - as the upright W7 talks about.
"fighting your corner, holding your own"
The Fool + Death, Secret + Magical Dogs
Don't repeat the same cycle, don't dig up the dead!
Daring to 'miss out' is the best investment!
Swollen with a lot of new information and tools, it's easy to feel somewhat lost, confused and down - remember to only act and respond from true and pure feelings, not the ones full of fear! All will be well!
Come bearing magical gifts and bright ideas - but give to yourself first!
"open yourself and reveal more than usual - you are worth knowing"
Strength + Page of Pent's, Atavist + Eden
Burning passion and a big cone of gold..!
We've been advised to 'let go' a couple of days now. To loosen our grip. Through the P4 card.
When we are in the denying phase or the 'refusing to do' this stage, there's rigidity and maybe even some anger. In fear of loosing something - safety, control, comfort.
When we finally accept and embrace the guidance, as...